What Is She Reading? Alexis Sclamberg

I recently had the good fortune of reading Tama Kieves’s upcoming book Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding In Your Life’s Work! before it even hit the shelves. For those of us pursuing work we love—the kind that calls us, moves us, energizes and excites us—it’s a must-read. I’ve already recommended it to all of my close friends and I’ll tell you, too: you have to get your hands on this book.
Using poetic prose and the tone of your best friend and biggest champion, Tama proves through her own story that your journey to success is an inspired path, not a linear one. She dedicates each chapter to addressing the issues that come up for you when you’re following your heart—the impatience you feel about achieving your big goals, the management of disappointment and failure along the way, the shoulds and supposed tos and fear that threatens you, the worry that you’re not connected to the right people, or that ever-present feeling that you’re the odd one out. Her recipes for handling your inspired path aren’t cliché—they’re soulful instructions for trusting your inner wisdom and the magical universe.
My favorite gem from Tama’s book is her reminder that you have your own way to succeed and that the right way may actually be getting in the way of your way. “Why would you listen to an expert when you can listen to a genius?” she asks. She’ll put you in touch with your inspired self and tell you why living life your way is the smartest move you can make.
Reading the book feels like a big hug from Tama and an enthusiastic—and believable—reminder that you’ll be a success if you’re following your heart.
2012 Pennsylvania Conference for Women speaker Alexis Sclamberg is a writer, speaker and media personality. A former lawyer, Sclamberg is now called “the self-help voice of her generation.” She is at work on her first book, “Borrowed Wisdom,” and contributes to The Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan magazine, and Women’s Media Center, among other publications. Sclamberg makes regular appearances on local and national radio, including NPR. She is an honors graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School.