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Aishah Miller

2019 Speaker
Aishah Miller

AISHAH MILLER joined the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation and CDC in November 2018.  She provides oversight and management of the foundation which recently celebrated twenty years of improving the lives of children and families by investing in planning and implementation of resident-driven, comprehensive neighborhood revitalization.  Recognized nationally for its unique approach to community development, the foundation has awarded over $96M towards the revitalization of low income communities in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Miller brings a broad range of experience in leadership, management, and communications in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors as well as the community development finance industry.  She was a German Marshall Memorial Fellow focusing on global relationship building.  She previously served as the executive vice president for development at Opportunity Finance Network (OFN). Miller earned a BS from Williams College, and an MS in international education and economics from Columbia University. @aishahmiller @wellsfargo