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Boycott Busyness—and Find More Meaning | Podcast

Courtney Carver

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Are you overwhelmed with busyness? In a culture that prides itself on productivity, many of us rush through each day reacting to the demands of life and work. Simplicity expert Courtney Carver gets to the bottom of how feeling busy can make us act busy and offers her strategies for what to do instead. In 30 minutes, the author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More shares how to prioritize what’s meaningful, make decisions that support those choices, and stop saying yes when your heart says no—behavioral shifts that can bring more meaning to your work, relationships and life.

COURTNEY CARVER changed her life by simplifying it after a devastating diagnosis in 2006. She’s the founder of and minimalist fashion challenge Project 333. In her new book Soulful Simplicity, published by Tarcher/Perigee—a division of Penguin Random House, Carver shows us the power of simplicity to improve our health, build more meaningful relationships, and relieve stress in our professional and personal lives.

Buy Carver’s book, Soulful Simplicity, on